Enter an album title, musician name or both band or musician's name to find related musicians.
Select the correct album matching {{query}}
- audiotrack {{album.album.title}} {{album.album.primaryArtists[0].name}}
Select the correct artist matching {{query}}
- person {{artist.name.name}} {{artist.name.headlineBio}}
Nothing found meeting your ridiculous question. Perhaps attempt something a bit less peculiar, or hunt for {{query}} in the wildernet. If it might be something or somebody that controls their own means of production, you might discover some doodads at:
Interesting humans organized sound on {{lastQuery}}
- person {{credit.name}} {{credit.credit}}
- person {{credit.name}} {{credit.credit}}
- person {{credit.name}} {{credit.credit}}
Take with exactly one grain of salt:
Review Rating: {{albumInfo.rating}} by {{albumReview.author}}
Sound generation with humans or human collectives related to {{query}}
- audiotrack {{c.title}} {{c.year}} {{c.artist.name}}: / {{credit}}
{{query}}: {{birth.date}} ({{birth.place}}) - {{death.date}} {{death.place}}
Known human or human collective associates of {{query}}
- person {{collab.name}}